This is the best thing that my Oma does. She has said this to me all through out my child hood. Its the best thing ever. I love her so much. Its about having holes in your underwear and shoes and the air going through it and if my mother knew I would be in trouble. Yes, this is the best translation I could get. But its awesome, I hope you enjoy it!
So this is what my friend and I do at 4 in the morning after drinking lots of red bulls (addicted). And I am still laughing about it, I could not help but share it with the public, since so many people read my blog cause I am Sereana Vanderwoodsen. jk!
I can honestly say this is the most funniest, fun, exhuberating, different event I have ever attended in my entire life. It was amazing! So much fun, but the best part was when we were in the mosh pit, I was full on riding on top of Wade's (old man) shoulder's. It was intense. Oh my goodness, I cant wait to go again in August. I was a body full of chalk, so beautiful! ... oh and chalky!
People in general love the crazy, most ridiculous faces I like to pull. I loved riding on top of the elephant. It was freaking greatttt...
These multi floral shoes are perfect! You can basically wear them with anything, A nice pair of skinnys would be super cute! You can dress them up or dress them down whatever you prefer!
Please add a pair of Dolce Vita's to your shoe list as well. Someday, I am determined I will be a Shoe designer, honestly a pair of adorable shoes such as these can always always top off your outfit!
So I have a fetish for shoes, my currently favorite designer is Sam Edleman. He has everything from flats to heels, to vibrant to mild. I love it. I own a few pair of his shoes and I get compliments on them all the time. And no one has heard of the brilliant guy. So for all of you girls who are looking to buy a cute pair of summer (might I just add, they are very comfortable) shoes then check out Nordstrom's or Dillard's. *** Love the photography structure in each of the pictures, it accentuates each style of shoe.***
Thanks everyone for coming! It was seriously the best party ever! So much fun, and thanks for the Pinata Chels, You're seriously the best!
T-baby and me! :) Our sick grills! I know I finally cracked the pinata open! Thanks for being a sport Wade, sorry I almost killed you 21 times! sick.... Love your smiling face Angela!