These multi floral shoes are perfect! You can basically wear them with anything, A nice pair of skinnys would be super cute! You can dress them up or dress them down whatever you prefer!
Please add a pair of Dolce Vita's to your shoe list as well. Someday, I am determined I will be a Shoe designer, honestly a pair of adorable shoes such as these can always always top off your outfit!
So I have a fetish for shoes, my currently favorite designer is Sam Edleman. He has everything from flats to heels, to vibrant to mild. I love it. I own a few pair of his shoes and I get compliments on them all the time. And no one has heard of the brilliant guy. So for all of you girls who are looking to buy a cute pair of summer (might I just add, they are very comfortable) shoes then check out Nordstrom's or Dillard's. *** Love the photography structure in each of the pictures, it accentuates each style of shoe.***
Thanks everyone for coming! It was seriously the best party ever! So much fun, and thanks for the Pinata Chels, You're seriously the best!
T-baby and me! :) Our sick grills! I know I finally cracked the pinata open! Thanks for being a sport Wade, sorry I almost killed you 21 times! sick.... Love your smiling face Angela!
I once called this little boy penis.... cause in Chinese they refer to their little brothers Deedee, and I called him Gigi, translation- penis.... so embarrassing. But I absolutely loved this little boy he was 2 of my favorite students little brother! And he was all over the place! ha ha, kinda like me!
Im kind of in this curl fetish. Loving them, its sassy, funky and just fun to bounce around in, and secretly I have always wanted to be a mini Shirley Temple! When it came to school pictures, every year my mom would take out time to do up my hair in the old fashion sponge curlers, and baby did they produce some tight curls! So springy, cute and it made me look like a real Shirley!
Mc hammer in the red shirt and the black beanie So Friday night I went to the Mc Hammer and Vanilla ice concert. It was awesome, we had VIP tickets so we could eat all the Costa Vita and energy and fruit drinks that we wanted. It was awesome. During the concert we did go down to the crowd to get our groove on. It was sweet. But I'm not gonna lie Vanilla ice left me in disappointment, he's like a kid rock wanna be.
Sadie is not a fan of Zoey at all, its kinda funny to watch Sadie interact with her, she acts like she is a little mouse that she is completely scared of. ha ha!