Thursday, February 26, 2009

What defines us as humans!

So, it hit me, I miss my kids more than anything, I just look at my pictures from Taiwan, and miss just waking up to my kids pulling and tugging on me. Its been a good and hard adjustment being home. I thought things were going to be one way and no did my life take a switch on things. But hey, thats how life works. When one door closes two doors open... right? I honestly cant wait to start adopting kids. I have such a passion for kids. I can play with them all day and never get sick of them. I was just telling my friend Ozz tonight that the one thing i miss is being these kids mother, well not literally but I went to school in the morning and was there all day until 9-10 at night. I felt like I was there mother, I would play with them, eat with them, play with them, spy on them while they were sleeping, play dress ups with them, it was a never ending story. And to think I will never be able to do this breaks my heart. But I will definitely never forget how much I have grown and learned from these kids especially little Annie, I absolutely adored her, and her little bug bite marks that are permanent. She told her mom that she wanted to get them surgically removed when she gets older, what 4 year old knows that she hates these remarkable cute marks on her eye. I always told her I loved them, and she would always reply, "Teacher, they are ugly" 

1 comment:

EmilyJane said...

Courtney! I know how you feel! I miss my kids so so much. I need to hear about your adventures. Love love love your blog!
Emily Clark