Sunday, November 16, 2008

November 10, 2008 Another day of SPE'S!

This is a typical day of SPES: shop, kitchen, games, gym, drama, and art. And before all this goes down they take there sweet little nap in the gym. Today I have pictures of shop, gym, and games. 

Sound asleep. 

Nuts and bolts- 
Vincent playing with the magnets. 
Bowling time! 

Yoyo can! 

wrong... (all I want for Christmas is my two front teeth, my two front teeth, my two front teeth)
Who can do it the fastest? Kuai, kuai , kuai... whoopsy " NO CHINESE" as the kids would scream out!
Cindy is just jealous that Jimmy can pick them sticks up but she cannot 
So stinkin darling! 

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