Sunday, August 10, 2008

Day 2,Thursday July 31st

Today I got introduced to my new best friend! Trixie and the basket! Yes my bike. My ghetto bike that I drive everywhere, actually its not all that bad. For one its a pretty decent bike, looks like it could break anyday, but it rides well. Its branded with a yellow piece of paper, so I can fine my bike out of the many bikes in Taiwan, trust me you need to know which bike is yours when you live in Taiwan, and you will see why in the pictures. Its about a 5 min bike ride to the school. Yes, I was completely lost my first day ne the streets and scared out of my mind. First of all you drive on a two lane road with on coming traffic. You ride with the busses, the cars, the scooters, and other bikers. It's wild you guys, I am not even joking. The bus drivers just honk at you and that means get your freakin butt out of the way or pretty much they will run you over. ha its funny. not really actually. The school is very nice. The kids are cute as a button, ok not a button but they are very cute! The teaching seems to be a little intense for the older kids. Its time consuming, my days are going to be very long. Around ten hours a day you are at the school. At 12 you get lunch and its rice with some kind of meet, -fam you know how I feel about the meat... you would die, im not joking, scott I'm not gonna lie I miss your meat, its so so much better at home then here. They don't cook anything. And there soup, they don't even know what soup is over here. Broth is soup to them with big junks of jelly crap in it. Sick. So yes my days are very long, but I enjoy it. It keeps me busy, and I will always be doing or planning something. 
  So tonight Darren took me to the food market. I literally thought I was going to die. No one speaks english... why english is amazing! Learn it people! Ok im being very insensitive, but seriously learn it asians. woooonnnggg yeee toonngggg..... Love the language, seriously I do. The food here at the market looks pretty scary. Hit cookie home is the only thing that I will eat there. Other then that I will be eating chicken everything, hearts, feet, eyes, everything. Gross. It's all raw, how do they eat such sick things. I will never know, even after six months I still will not know. Thats my first day in Taiwan, Darren advised me that I shouldn't go to bed until 10 because i will get up super early in the morning, I wanted to go to bed at 8, but that was a no go. I passed out at 10 and woke up at 8:30 a.m. but before that I woke up about 5 other times. It's going to be a big adjustment, but I'm sure I will be able to handle it! 

1 comment:

Sarah Jane said...

what an adventure! how fun! i am stalking your blog now...! :)